Metamorphosis Rhodochrosite 04 Gemstone Pendant


This design was made in a field in the Netherlands on the 7th of August,
2009. According to the web, this circle was made by 54 people. It
took them 6 hours one night to make it. The formation has the drawing of Leonardo DaVinci’s Vitruvian man in the center. Then they added the
butterfly wings to his arms and legs. The message is one on being ready
for change. Wearing this design may aid you in raising your

Rhodocrosite energies aid in emotional healing, recovery of lost memories and forgotten gifts, and compassion. Pink is the color expression of love. Rhodochrosite is a powerful heart healer, forming a bridge between the lower chakras of fire and the upper chakras of water. It allows one to recover one’s sense of playfulness and joy in life. It soothes the heart and comforts the soul helping one claim one’s rightful powers and be everything one was meant to be.


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